What are the requirements to take part in the dry stone wall competition (Measure 4.4)?

edited by Dr. Giuseppe Marrone

Sub-measure 4.4 of RDP 2014/2017, entitled “Support for non-productive investments related to the fulfilment of agri-climate-environmental objectives” allows the restoration of dry stone walls and buildings giving priority to companies falling within the Natura 2000 areas of the Puglia Region.

The deadline for submitting the application for participation (DDS) is 21 December 2018.

The call may include all farmers, public or private entities in possession of agricultural and forestry areas affected by the interventions.

The financial resources made available by the Puglia Region for this call amount to € 30,000,000.

Companies can apply for funding ranging from € 5,000 to € 10,000 depending on the type of intervention required.

The sub-measure consists of two operations:

1) Operation A, intended for the preservation and recovery of dry stone artefacts such as stone walls, jazzi, elements carrying out hydrogeological functions.

2) Operation B, intended exclusively for Natura 2000 areas. This second operation finances works aimed at the recovery of ancillary elements such as tanks and their conveying system, the recovery of natural and semi-natural habitats, springs and wetlands and fencing to reduce conflicts between livestock and predators.

The Selection Criteria Operation A and Operation B provide for the allocation of scores according to the characteristics of the company.

In the case of interventions covered by Operation A, the minimum score to enter the ranking is 25 points out of 100. The scores of Operation A are assigned as follows:

· 60 points for insistent farms in areas of the Natura 2000 network and sites of high naturalistic value (SCI, SPA, Parks, etc.);

· 40 points for organic farms;

· 20 points for companies conducted with integrated method.

Selection criteria Operation B: the farms must be located in Natura 2000 Network Areas, the scores are assigned as follows:

· 100 points for organic farms;

· 80 points for farms with integrated method.
